Liquid Sampling Equipment
Southeastern Liquid Analyzers sampling equipment began with a product designed and patented by Ronnie Roberts to sample underground fuel storage tanks (UST’s) to allow for a visual observation of the tank contents for quality, contamination, and inventory control, with the company formed in 1983 to manufacture and distribute this product.
In 1985, plastic Coliwasa Samplers and QC Rods were added for sampling drums and tanker trucks of liquid hazardous waste, petroleum, chemical, and pharmaceutical products, with the original product development requested by Laidlaw Environmental (USA division) who later purchased Safety Kleen and maintained their name.
In 1988, the IRS contacted Southeastern and requested help in developing a program for sampling over the road diesel powered vehicles to determine if they were using taxed fuel or non-taxed fuel, with the sampling methodology suitable to levy fines if non-taxed fuel was found in a vehicle. This equipment incudes various length Pipettes, which in addition to the IRS Taxed Fuel Sampling Program used by the FCO’s which encompasses many products, is now used by many trucking fleets, equipment rental companies and private users to insure they do not have non-taxed fuel in their trucks.
Please see menu above of Liquid Sampling Equipment for further information.
Please contact Southeastern for pricing.